Constellation means uniform movement of stars, so Haram is an Arabic name in Quran revealed to mean the power that drives the constellation to take place.
Meaning the Mechanism that Allah has created that generate the energy to drive stars , Moon, Sun, to run as faster as needed that result in formation day and night, this the same energy that enables balanced movements of livings of the earth and heavens including humans, animals , birds, Fish, Winds, clouds, Invisible Spirits, Angels, the Trees and mountains those who are rooted inside the earth moves by the movement of the earth, while waters moves by movement of the winds, anything that makes movement in the skies and surface of the earth such as cars, boats and Ships in waters, all their movement are powered and balance by one source of energy from Great throne of Allah Subhanahu Wataala named Haram that passes through center of heavens and earth, this is the reason why at that exact center on earth where built a permanent demarcation by our Master the Prophet of Allah Subhanahu Wataala (the Most Glorified Exalted is He) Sayidina Ibrahim aleih Salaam (peace be upon him) to mark blessed holy land at the center of the earth for worship of Allah one and only true God, He (Allah) named this holy land of worship Masjidil Haram , meaning the place where all constellation converge in prostration in accordance with direction of the energy of Haram form part of the great throne of Allah that enables everything in the entire universe to make a Movement, and in the process light is produced that you see in the skies in stars, Sun, moon, our light we use to see, all kinds of light, Glory be to Allah The Most Wise in HIs Creations.

What do you know about sacred haram masjid
Haram Masjid of Macca
Haram Masjid of Macca is the biggest Mosque in the word and most sacred as Qibla for all Muslims for the following:
- Performing five daily mandatory prayers and all other prayers.
- Performing rituals of Hajj and Umra
- slaughtering of birds and animals as sacrifices , or as food consumption.
- Burial of a Muslim man or woman , face of deasesed must face in the Qibla while burrying him or her inside the grave.

What do you know about sacred Aqsa masjid
Aqsa Masjid of Jerusalem
Aqsa Masjid of Jerusalem is the first sacred Mosque of Islam as the first Qibla, Prophet Muhammad sallah aleih wasallama (peace be upon him) and His companions faced in the direction of Jerusalem while at Macca initially when Allah mandated upon him five daily Mandatory prayers in the sacred night of Israae wal Miraaj.
- Israae is Arabic name for the sacred journey of Prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama ( Peace be upon Him) from Macca to Jerusalem , and back from Jerusalem to Macca in a portion of the night with Sayidina Jibrale aleih salam and spiritual animal of light named Buraq.
- Miraaj is Arabic name for the sacred journey of Prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon him) in a portion of the same night from Jerusalem at Aqsa Masque through heavens to the Great throne of Allah Subhanahu Wataala, ( Most Glorious The Exalted) with Sayidina Jibrale aleih salam peace be upon him) who stopped at Sidratul muntaha , and He was received by another Angel who took him to the Great Throne of Allah Subhanahu Wataal where he mandated him to perform five daily mandatory prayers and with his followers, then to Aqsa Mosque at Jarusalem and them continued to Macca At Majidil Haram.

What do you know about sacred masjid nabawi
Masjid Nabawi of Madina
Masjid Nabawi of Madina is the first Mosque of Prophet Muhammad Sallah aleih wasallama ( Peace be upon him) where was buried.
- After 14 years since beginning of prophet hood at Macca, Prophet Muhammad sallah llah aleih wasallama (peace be upon him) and his followers suffered persecution in Macca by his enemies, until they attempted to kill him, so Allah Subhanahu Wataala (Most Glorified the Exalted) ordered him to migrate to Madina seeking refuge where he was happily welcome as their leader and built his first Mosque at Madina.
- He continued performing five mandatory daily prayers with his companions at Msdina while facing Jerusalem after migration for more than six months, until Allah Subhanahu Wataala ( Most Gracious the Exalted) ordered to change Qibla from facing in direction of Jerusalem to facing in direction of Macca. The Command came while he was performing Dhuhur prayers (salat) on the second Rakkaat before bending.
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