Haram is the name of the universal constellation of entire univers as shown in the photo

Look carefully at the picture above and understand following explanations:
- The Green Thick Greenline shows the Haram that Originate from the Great throne of Allah Subhanahu Wataala and supply energy produced to the entire universe stars Sun and Moon. Energy production by Haram is continuous process does not stop and supply of energy produced by Haram is also continuous does not stop until the day of Judgement as a result day and night is formed.
- Allah Subhanahu Wataala ( Most Glorified the Exalted is He) Created stars in miraculously, when ever they move , the Generate energy and light, the faster they move, the more energy and light they generate. So Allah effect the movement of Haram that generate to move stars, then stars also generate and light to light distributed to all livings of the entire universe.
- The Sun and Moon are simply another type of Stars , when they move , they generate light and energy distributed to livings of the earth in that format that we physically witness we feel burning of sunlight, and coolness of the moon. The light and energy of those two stars benefits every being of the earth in general as we all know, plants can not grow without light, and females can not produce without moonlight.
- But individually every kind of living of the earth and heavens has special star that distribute another kind of energy required, for example on earth, us human beings, animals, birds, Fish, and everything that makes exist must have energy and light to see, hear and move individually, Allah clearly says it in the holy Quran that every living has a star on which its life is regulated.
- There are only 15 main stars those are moved by the Haram direct from the Great throne of Allah Subhanahu Wataala, they make energy and light which is used to charge all other stars to move and they produce energy and light which is distributed to each individual being of the earth or heaven and beyond connected particular star.
- Looking